This is a list of characters from disneypixars toy story franchise which consists of the animated films toy story 1995 toy story 2 1999 toy story 3 2010 and the upcoming toy story 4 2019. What the characters voice actors look like in real life and where youve seen them before woody buzz bo peep return along with a whole host of new characters for the. Toy Story 4 Wikipedia Toy story characters set to appear in toy story 4. Toy story 4 characters list with pictures . Directed by josh cooley. Toy story characters set to appear in toy story 4. Woody buzz and more. 29 of 50 58 required scores. Toy story characters show list info. The film was officially announced by walt disney ceo bob iger during a. The film is set to be directed by josh cooley. Here is a list of characters that appear in the 1995 disney pixar classic film toy story. 2013 and toy story that time forgot 2014. Toy story 4 cast. Th...